Cheese Blintzes


This is a special recipe to my family, as it is my Great Grandmother Esther’s recipe that she brought to the USA from Hungary. While I never met Esther, my dad remembers her making these cheese blintzes for Rosh Hashana and other special occasions.

Crepe Ingredients:

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/2 tsp of kosher salt

  • 1/4 cup of water

  • 1/4 cup of flour (you may need a few more tablespoons)

Filling Ingredients:

  • 3/4 lb of farmers cheese (or you can use drained cottage cheese)

  • 1/2 tsp of kosher salt

  • 1 egg

  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract

  • 1/3 cup of white sugar

  • 1/2 tsp of cinnamon

Other Ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp of unsalted butter; melted

  • 1 tbsp of unsalted butter

For the blintz crepes, beat the eggs, salt and water together. Add the flour and beat the mixture again.

To make the filling, mix all the filling ingredients together in a bowl and set aside.

Heat up a non-stick pan and using a pastry brush, brush the melted butter onto the pan. Pour in about 1/4 cup of the crepe batter and swirl the batter around to coat the bottom of the pan. Cook until the batter looks dry but not crispy or browned (about 1 minutes). Flip the crepe over to cook the other side (about 30 seconds). Move the cooked crepe to a plate and repeat with the rest of the batter.

Preheat the oven to 325F and lightly butter a large Pyrex baking dish.

Spread about 3 tbsp of filling into the middle of each crepe. Roll the crepe up by bringing the bottom side up, tucking in the sides, and rolling until the blintz is closed.

In the same skillet as you made the crepes, melt 1 tbsp of butter. Cook the blintzes until golden brown and once cooked, place the blintz in the buttered baking Pyrex.

Bake the blintzes in the oven for about 12 minutes, pull out of the oven and let cool slightly.

Serve with jam or a berry compote.


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